Why I will vote for Donald Trump
I did not consider myself a 100% “Trumper” when he first ran. However after 8 years of Obama followed next by Hillary continuing their liberal progressive play book, Donald Trump proved to be the perfect fit to stop this big government progressive left takeover. That is why I voted for Donald Trump in 2016.
To most “never Trumpers” the biggest challenge with Trump is getting him in the White House. He has an unfiltered personality that says it like it is regardless of the way the political wind is blowing. He is the true political Timber needed now to bring this country back to the center right. Trump connects with the everyday people that make America Great.
The Biden Administration inherited from the Trump Administration a recovering economy from Covid. In February 2021 inflation was at 1.4%, the price of gas less than $2.50/gal. We were Energy Independent, no proxy war in Ukraine, peace was in the middle east thanks to the Abraham Accords, and a more secure border..
The Biden Administration reversed all of Donald Trump's executive orders and all of his policies giving us less stability in the next 4 years. Biden raised the National Debt by 10 Trillion, which resulted in an increase in inflation of 17%, mortgage rates at 7%, gas prices national average above 5 dollars gallon June 14th 2023, (lower now at $3.65 due to an election year), stopped the sale of oil leases on Federal land, making America Energy dependent on countries that don’t like us, emptied our petroleum reserves to the lowest level since 1984 leaving the United States with less than a month supply in an emergency situation, and dictating an environmental policy that is not agreed upon by many scientists . Biden illegally opened the border to allow Illegals to enter our country to give the Democrats the power of the vote, cause chaos in our streets, overwhelm our law enforcement, and threaten our national security.
Both candidates have four years as president in the White House as their resume, However that’s where it ends. Their job performance is 180 degrees opposite. That is the clear reason why I will vote for Donald Trump. I would like to invite all Independents, Conservatives, non party affiliated and yes Democrats that want to take back their party to vote with us on the Republican Line and take America back for our children and grandchildren.
Kurt Holcherr